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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zodi Plays: The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (The Five Stages of Zelda-Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    Mega Man Thoughts
    ... the idea of "someone who just shaves off bits of themselves to power up people, for the express purpose of gathering information from them to take for later" is a brilliant idea I'm stealing for something. No idea what, but I definitely am.

    The program advances involving the Wave series of cards require the basic wave, which isn't worth it... and lets you use random power waves for 6/9 times depending on which of the two types of advances you do. They are not worth it in the slightest due to that variance- and truthfully program advances aren't worth it in the first game at all- and may even not be worth it in general, really.

    Sharkman has a chip and it's actually quite good, it is just tricky to obtain cause he is a tough boss.

    Repair fixes broken tiles on your field. It's pointless in any non multiplayer context.

    Right I forgot his name is literally WAR MEGAMAN, effectively, in the Japanese. God I love Omega-Xis so much.

    Four has new game plus AND is just bad. The game is randomly seeded tournaments, and not all unlockables (read; soul unions) are fought in one run. You only get two or three per run, and there are seven to get! As well, each time you start new game plus, everyone upgrades... which is to say, for all of that first run, you're fighting at most V1 viruses, with no V2's or 3's at all pretty much.

    Having minions is okay.

    I'm conflicted because on the one hand distance learning is vitally important and good... but if he hadn't gone to physical school he'd never have made friends and probably would have stayed a shut in his whole life. There is something to this "interact with others" thing.

    Fire was stolen from our oven, Ice was stolen from the water works, Elec was stolen from the power plant, and the Bus element was stolen from that one bus.

    (More seriously, while Madd was trying to assassinate Lan and his girlfriend, Yahoot robbed a nature preserve that had the Grass program or something. Wood element just doesn't exist yet so they can't show it)
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2021-12-19 at 10:39 PM.