"Anywhere to the side or back, just watch out for the horses. And let me handle the guards." Torrinin replies quickly, pointing to two large horses tied to the front of the carriage.

As the caravan nears the gate, two guards with lances leaning against their shoulders approach. Above the gate, two others with crossbows turn their attention to the large overpacked wagon. "Halt! Have yer manifest with ye, halfman?" says the shorter and stockier guard holding his lance lazily with the point still toward the sky. Torrinin fishes through his pack quickly and produces a small pouch that jingles with the sound of coin, then hands the man both his clipboard and the pouch. "Yes, yes, yes, you'll find everything is in order, I'm sure" he says with the confidence that shows he's been through this many times before.

The guard weighs the pouch in his hand briefly before looking at his partner. They shrug to each other, and pass the notes back to the halfling. "On ye go, then" says the guard before they both turn to walk back to their posts.

After clearing fifty yards from the gate, the halfling looks down at his two escorts. "Easy as always. Well, not always. Sometimes they ask for some cheese, too" he says to you, quickly and shamelessly. "We'll be to Wendle's before nightfall. Have one nice place to stay before starting to Wealdstone in earnest."