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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (OOC Thread)

    Merry belated Christmas everyone. Hope it went exactly as wonderfully as you wanted this year.

    Really interested to see what you help make of your (mysterious unnamed) guild! It should be fun with so many similar but different aims (Marion, Isaera and MorLag all seek arcane knowledge, but combined with very different complications between them; Jakkari might be the only unambiguously kind person out of us all?).

    Let's see if I can play a highly flawed person with something resembling redeeming traits (hopefully I have enough exp from RL to pull it off... ). There's always a way to make it enjoyable but honest.

    What types of NPCs were you all hoping to have join (if you're sticking around)? Also, is it worth Banana Phone waiting out the initial location and then being like "oh hey, you know what would be a GREAT place for our second location?! I'll even do the hard part to oversee it!" or am I being too naive about this?
    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2021-12-26 at 07:01 PM.