Quote Originally Posted by Plaids View Post
Glad to have you join JoyWonderLove. I am excited to see what you bring since M&M an WOW allow you to bring a WOW player character or a weird creature like a ghost dragon. As for npc helpers I think a translator for a language Jakk'ari knows he can't speak and a tailor for uniforms or flags would be suggested by Jakk'ari.
Glad to be here and TY! I like diplomatic and "Light" approaches so you're two for two. Hopefully I can find a way to talk shop / start the odd unnecessary diplomatic incident that your skills are useful to even out!

But I made the most generic of generic ideas and kinda...dumped points into Abilities and called it a day. One of my excuses is that you seem to have healing as a thing, so I'm unsure if I should touch it overmuch. I'll probably poke the story teller for help eventually.

A translator and tailor are good practical calls, though! How do you all feel about maybe a garden or something to take advantage of the fact there's three herbalists? Or is no one really into flower picking on the side? I want to figure out use for my profession skill (enchanting). Also, on a completely unrelated note, we should totally get a bar / wine cellar going. For... reasons.

Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
For what it's worth, Mor'Lag has no better offers at this time and no one else besides the party. She probably would have tried to stick around for that reason alone, given the only sane alternative was joining the Horde.
everyone I know how sympathic you feel but I have to insist please do NOT hug the Mor'Lag she is very sensitive to Light and unnecessary touch. if you want, you may throw these little nuggets of arcane knowledge nearby to encourage and sustain her. ty.

Quote Originally Posted by BananaPhone View Post
MrA knows I'm just gently teasing .
A likely story! Next you'll mention having a fun, enjoyable, intriguing name for our entire guild! One that helps unite and describe us not only immediately now, but also far into the future. But that's just crazy talk, isn't it, Banana Phone? (Please tell me you do that would be fantastic; no one else has suggested anything yet?)

Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
If some of your characters say 100% Mama Jaina, send guild invite when ready
Oh haha it would be.....would be so silly if any of us were this obvious and on the nose, right? Especially if you join late after everyone has already shown how complex and multifaceted they are. That....that would just be embarrassing......

why am I like this

Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
If there's any questions about anything, now's a good time for it - either about system stuff, or story things that you want clarified, or anything else, inbetween chapters here is a great place to field 'em, so lay 'em on me. :)
I was on and off watching the story (I want to read it all, but the best way to never meta is simply not to know) and the last fight concerned me. I would have been a little less helpful than even Felix (at least he helped nudge others out of fear), soooo.....maybe the whole point was that magic is a thing? But still. What would even be the Damage score I would have needed to help in that fight? We have dragons flying around so it's worth thinking about for a frontliner.

Also, if I read the Opal Collo part right, it's roughly like those four (5 if you count Rifle Aragon) are the defacto leadership of the guild, whereas the random Argent Dawn agent is the checks-and-balance liaison that (if the intentions suggested appear kosher) goes between both the guild and Argent Dawn to unlock the necessary funds to get things done. So 'oh hey we want these funds to hire teachers for these adorable orphans right here' is probably spiffy and neat and let me go ask right away. But 'we want funds to make a puppy kicking machine - now with extra spikes!' is... probably not going beyond the Maybe pile, unless the agent can somehow be bribed off. But then the Argent Dawn organisation itself can turn around and go "why would you okay that ever". Is this mostly right, or am I way off?

How many base points do we start with, and how 'expensive' is an NPC?

Feeling vaguely jittery for not knowing the M&M system yet and lack of Warcraft knowledge and not wanting to completely overplay the flaws (it's more tempting than it should be...), so don't be shocked if I rely on a wiki and Well Informed to coast by.