Isaera's house

Isaera reveals the offer to the rest of her family. It seemed.. more well-received than she imagined. Perhaps it was the allure of more stable money, potential for fame, doing good and all that, and the thought that much of the risk could be offloaded to the other members of this 'guild'...

Additionally, Isaera knew her sister was just going to run away eventually, so offers Aleeana a chance to come along as well. This also went over well, with her mother acknowledging the inevitable and just glad to have someone watching over Aleeana.

All it took after this was Isaera getting ready to go out. She desperately needed a good bath and a change of clothes. Her sister was already set, given her constant threats of leaving anyway.


Isaera enters the tavern to find a much bigger occupancy than expected, and revelry. Ah of course, the humans would find an excuse to literally drink to anything. And dwarves? Well, alcohol was just a part of their diet...

Along with the beautiful elf mage, she is accompanied by another figure, her head concealed by a cloak. If Aleeana wasn't trying to ramp up the mysterious edgelord vibes so hard, you'd probably never realize they were sisters.

"Well, here we are," Isaera says, unimpressed, to the other.

She will look around and spot Mor'Lag and Jakk'ari, and everyone else. Approaching them at their table, Isaera says, "Hello, everyone. I've made my decision."

In order to clear up any confusion about who the other person was that was so closely tailing behind her, she adds, "Oh. This is Aleeana," gesturing at the female ranger-to-be. "Aleeana, this is Marion, Mor'Lag, Jakk'ari, and Zachary."