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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    At Janene's
    Jakk'ari waits a short moment to give either of his party members an opportunity but has his attention brought to Isaera entering the tavern.

    Good to see you Isaera. Good to see your accompaniment as well. I hope we can get to know one another tonight.
    Referring to and greeting the cloaked to cloaked individual beside Isaera.

    I was proposing a round of stories between party members, but it seems that some here are skittish. So, I'll go first if you don't mind.
    Hopefully this would give a chance to see who Isaera had brought along. You couldn't expect candid answers from an interview or interrogation. But a response to a story laid everything bare.

    Here is a story I have come by during travels across Kalimdor...
    Spoiler: Jakk'ari's Story
    Once long ago even before even the rise of the Empire of Zul. The beasts ruled Azeroth, and their progenitors inhabited the world and led them. The creatures lived within the water, on the land and in the sky. But the most magnificent of them all was the progenitor of bird Chroma. Who was gifted feathers that shined the brightest in every color and who's song ranked the most beautiful.

    While surveying his territory Chroma and all the other progenitors saw snow falling during a warm summer day. On the first day the beasts frolicked glad to be spared of the heat. On the second they feasted, in the third they rest, and in the fourth they hungered. As the beasts became dissatisfied, they pleaded for the earth mother to give them guidance and deliver them from the winter. She told them she could not stop the sudden freeze but knew of something that could allow them to endure the winter. With the pit of the highest peak laid fire which could warm everyone. But one of the progenitors would need bring the fire back. Soon the debate became blaming and blaming became quarrelling. So long did they bicker that soon the first rabbit was engulfed, then the ur zevra, and eventually the first crocolisk was frozen solid. Pitying the rest of the beasts Chroma volunteered and swiftly flew to the highest peak. Plucking a branch to carry home the fire he flew back quickly as he could.

    But the journey was taxing. Soon the branch grew shorter as the flames consumed it. The smoke was opressive and punishing but continued in his duty regardless. Soon smoke filled Chroma's throat making his voice rough and coarse, next the burned his feather leaving him black as night, finally his eyes turned black as returned to the council of beasts. Chroma had saved his fellow beasts with the flame but he grew despondent seeing his gifts now having disappeared.
    The earth mother consoled him telling how his sacrifice had saved the other beasts and his gifts were not truly gone. His descendants would use their voices to counsel chieftains, mages, and druids. His iridescent feathers would shine with color on Azeroth as long the sun travels across the sky.

    So take heed when you rebuke a dark crow or raven. Because you just might not have seen its gifts just yet.

    Hoping to see candid responses Jakk'ari scans the party.
    So, what do you think?
    Last edited by Plaids; 2022-01-06 at 04:00 AM.