Zachary’s expression, as much as can be easily seen with the always-on lenses and less-than-kempt beard, turns melancholy for a second; even fragile. This is the second occasion in as many exchanges within the last minute that someone has expressed a certain amount of caution and, by inference, care if he lives or dies. He seems a little unused to this circumstance, flattens his lips into a line of concession, and loosely gestures with his drink before returning to it. You think that expression translates as something like Well, since you both insist, I guess I’ll think about it, which is probably the most you can wheedle out of him. The meeting henceforth proceeds with an air of mingled trepidation and possibility to come; and Jakk’ari’s purchased dishes are nibbled, snacked upon, and ultimately vanished by the best efforts of those at the table, and a somewhat casual effort from Mor’Lag, who possesses a considerable capacity to indulge. Ogres are expensive dining partners; but at least they remove the guilt of wastefulness. Then comes the late evening, and the walks home, and the deep, almost drowning sleep of the bone-deep weary. And the dreams - dreams of fire, green and red, flashing on beyond the saw tooth silhouette of a palisade wall.


The next day’s discussion with Jaina’s people reveals some freedom about your departure time. There is a groundskeeper keeping an eye on your ‘guildhouse’ in Ratchet until you get there, and your Opal Collocation point of contact - apparently a squire of the Argent Dawn proper - will be there in a little over a week; so you have plenty of time. You prepare, you pack, you say goodbyes, you write letters. You see Zachary off with an aid caravan to Brackenwall, there to deliver supply to the ogre refugees and, secondarily, for the ranger to track down the horde scout that so discreetly tipped he and Jakk’ari off about the raptor ambush, and to enlist him or her in the investigation of the Stonemaul Ruins so he’s not going alone. And then, when the appointed time comes, you board the trade ship Antonidas’ Chagrin, and travel up the coast into Steamwheedle waters.