Quote Originally Posted by WindStruck View Post
Okay, nice!

Also, I just thought of something else. Since Aleeana has been selected for our staff, and I assume she will be coming along the boat ride as well...

Well, I'm assuming stuff happens, like the crew flirt with her too, but to be fair I could narrate her acting any number of ways. She feels like your character (being a NPC and all) more than mine, even though she is related to my PC, but I still wanted your input. I feel like I wouldn't have a clear idea of how she reacts to many situations.
I’m happy to retrodescribe her actions on the boat! I just forgot. I think I have a pretty good grasp on her personality at this point, but if you had some of own, few free to imply them in your post and I’ll flesh them out when I get to mine. TLDR go for it, I can swim!