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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (OOC Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by WindStruck View Post
    I decided I'd go ham with a silly idea for Isaera. Did not write any reactions or actions for Aleeana too (even if I did the post is still so lengthy) but yeah, feel free to tack on some stuff after?

    Honestly, I feel like if you tried to edit more in now, it'll be lost in the other sea of text.

    Post is incoming in 3.. 2.. 1... er.. when I do one more pass of proofreading.
    Ahaha, excellent. I'd been aware we hadn't had a scene were Isaera wasn't able to showcase her gorgeous magical show-off aspect since the very introduction, so I'm pleased the ridiculous cruise has provided just such an opportunity. And now she'll have to make her debut in Ratchet doing a swimsuit runway walk down the main street. This is excellent; and I am further encouraged in my decision to unilaterally declare that skimpy clothing is present in Azeroth because of elven fashion, and not just because World of Warcraft has been a nexus of canonical fantasy cheesecake art style forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaPhone View Post
    Posting tonight. Scouts honour. Sorry, I've been so distracted recently >_<.
    Worry thee not, noble player; for just as you have endured my tardiness in posting, so I shall endure yours. :D Looking forward to reading it.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-01-19 at 05:33 AM.