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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (OOC Thread)

    It's true, he is the 'old man' of the group, archetypically. Obviously Isaera is physically older than him; but youth in long lived fantasy races in settings like Warcraft develop along a maturity track that does not necessarily correspond to age (because to be strongly relatable characters they must be fundamentally human as narrative creatures); and Windstruck has been playing Isaera - if I'm reading it all right - as a very young woman who is carrying an outsized amount of maturity for her family's sake, but has not integrated it into who she is sort of... emotionally. You know, because her whole world was smashed to pieces and she had to go from little sister to grown woman supporting the family in a very short time. Indeed, if we get to play long enough, integrating that maturity and 'growing up' will make part of Isaera's (and Marion's, and Emelia's) story a coming-of-age one. I like this game we have going a lot because all the characters are pretty clear and distinct to me, and you've all been rather cool with accepting the way I take two scoops of liberty with your backstory blank spaces.

    Also, with Mor'Lag, Emelia, Isaera and Marion being the main cast with Jakk'ari, with Zachary becoming an arm's length NPC, he's also the only masculine figure in the group. Gonna need a man-troll cave to invite his friends from Brackenwall to come gamble with him.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-01-24 at 03:48 AM.