The townsmaster shakes his head and says, "I haven't seen them for a few weeks. They usually come by for more supplies, so we'll see them once their beer runs out!" He pauses and says, "I suppose you could ask Halia if she's seen them..." He almost spits out her name. Lorban knows that Halia is towmsmaster Harbin's big rival; the one he'd been asking Lorban to spy on. She runs the miner's exchange, buying the local prospectors' valuable finds in exchange for currency or scrip. Harbin looks at the message and scratches his head. "That is worrying. We'd better tell them when they get here. But maybe you and those other guards can go check to see if Gundren is OK."

Back at the inn, the patrons watch as Vivianne leaves. The waitress says to Jereni, "She shouldn't do that! Those thugs and murderers will get her! They already killed one man already, and kidnapped his wife and kids!" The other villagers mutter and shake their heads in agreement. The woman who had tried to warn Vivianne says to Jereni, "Those bastards have been shaking down all the businesses in town. Well, except for the Miner's exchange. They must be rolling in money by now."

Vivianne heads out of the tavern into the night. The stars twinkle down on her as she heads up the road towards the Sleeping Giant taphouse. It is a ramshackle house at the east end of town. Three ruffians linger on the covered porch, perched on empty ale barrels and leaning against the wall. They all wear grimy scarlet cloaks, their sullen stares fixed on Vivianne as she approaches. "Well, well, looks like a little lost puppy has come by," one of them says. "Should we take her home to play with her?" he asks his companions, as they snicker.