Spoiler: Insight roll on Felix

Spoiler: Montage activity roll

A varied selection of options lay before the party. Though for Jakk'ari at least the preferences were notable.

It would be loathsome to become involved in the machinations of the goblin cartels. Though it was the Steamwheedles that threatened to expand into Tanaris the others would likely follow suit if given the opportunity. Too many products and finances from the cartels were exchanged between the union and the cartels. The cartels and their partners couldn't be trusted.

The horde meanwhile was strong, immensely so. A group diverse races who had tilled the harsh lands of Kalimdor and were united behind the venerable Thrall. While the capability of the legendary shaman and his cohort was a comforting thought there were reasons to abstain from the horde. The horde were volatile and would no doubt clash with the alliance once more in the future. The horde had originally been an invading force fueled by demon blood in exchange for their freedom and honor. The Farraki diplomatic mission was partly predicated on finding allies who strengthen the standing of the Farraki while sharing common values and not towing the Farraki tribes into further conflict. The horde would have to be passed over.

The Cenarion Circle on the other hand were different. A powerful league of druids who sought to maintain the health and balance of the natural world was appealing. The group was also widely accepted, as much one could be on Azeroth. The Circle also honored traditions and the right of all beings to life. And should conflict arise the group would be formidable and suited for almost any environment. The Circle seemed to be the best option.

Jakk'ari waits for his turn to speak and provides his comment.
I have heard stories of Thrall leading the horde to victory against the centaurs. Why would we be needed to quell this threat? Surely the centaurs can be quickly deflected without interference. I believe the circumstances are more dire elsewhere.
Jakk'ari is confident Mor'Lag's disdain of the horde will work in his favor this time.

Jakk'ari eyes Marion, wondering how the young technophile would respond to the request from the Tinkerers' Union.
What does the Union plan on using this Samophlange for? It sounds interesting I don't know what the Union would want from it, and I would be loath to let it fall into the wrong hands.

There didn't seem to be any strong feelings towards the Circle from other party members. Hopefully Isaera might feel some kinship for night elves.
If the troubles of the Circle are of concern the natural world, I believe I can be of service. I believe answering this request best aligns with our mission. The circle is a group that operates outside the authorization of the horde and the alliance and have members from both Alliance and Horde aligned races. I think we should help the Circle.

OOC: More material about montage activities will be written later. So far Jakk'ari is voting for the Cenarion Circle. If we have only 1 vote and no abstentions, then no tie should occur.