"One may consider my suggestion to be uncharacteristic, given the opinions I have vocalised in the past. But I see the toleration and incurred minor debt of the local...Big Dog, so to speak, to be the most valuable reward available on the table. And it fulfils the chartered purpose of this guild, diplomatically, exploratively and "persuasively"."
Marion did make a few good points. The local predominantly goblin town had shown hospitality without trying to swindle the motley crew of outsiders that was the party. Avoiding eviction would further their mission.
But the Cenarion Circle was still the best option. Trade partners and financiers came and went but trust, respect, and honor were hard to recover. The Union supplied the Cartels and couldn't be trusted.

Pushing rising and sliding aside his plate and glass Jakk'ari addresses Marion to hopefully nudge her to the correct solution.

Our hosts have been quite gracious, that is true. But I believe our mission of securing peace is best pursued outside of the Tinkerers' Union. I've seen it and I know the Union supply weapons to the Goblin Cartels. I'm afraid this Samophlange find its way to Venture Co. regardless of our interference. Besides the Union manufactures potent weapons. I... we can't risk escalating future conflicts they might supply the belligerents with.

Jakk'ari sits down having concluded his speech. His fingers lace together, and he trains his eyes and ears on the remainder of the party. Hoping they will agree with his arguments.

OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong but does the Tinkerers' Union supply the Goblin cartels with their products? I do know they make weapons.
Spoiler: OOC: Minor word choice explanation
By "right choice" this is from Jakk'ari's perspective not mine. I think all of these missions sound good but some minor inter-party disagreements make sense and would spice up the scene.