R4T27: Now that the fey creature is fully visible, Drina falls back on Old Reliable, shooting two barbs of force from her fingers into the beast for a total of 11 force, dropping it.

R4T26: Tenzei, you are no longer stunned, nor are you aware of what happened in the intervening time since you were stunned. What do you do?

Darkhelm on deck, Amanu in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Drina: 27. Mage armor (30 min.).
Tenzei: 26.
Darkhelm: 21.
Amanu: 17. Rapier in hand. TD.
* Shrink item on his musket (with loaded powder and bullet) will last six days hence.
Fawfein: 16. (-8:14, 13 CON). DYING!!!
Griss: 8. Reduced til 63T16.