THe dragon screeches in fury before vanishing once more in a shroud of uglu magic as the Kind of spiders laughs and urns his back on you. A barked "Bring the council back in..." to the guard who darts outside, and holds the door open for you all as well. As the four of you head out into the bustling decks it strikes you possibly how wrong this is with such a brute geeting rick of these people and spreading such misery in Old Korvosa and even the Guard turn a blind eye.

Its a long hours walk through the night time streets back to the old Castle and the guard barracks. The streets are still alive with trouble and packs of rioters move around looking for easy victims but with your weapons ready they steer clear of you, your rough appearance looking much the same as them. The city is still awash with rumors although during the day much needed bread and casks of wine had been distributed by Ileosia from the palace store rooms and some of the narrative on the streets had changed, from the usurper Queen taking the throne to a poor young maiden Queen held in check by the cruel old Korvosan noble familes that have strangled the poor for generations.... The implication that a cull of the nobility may allow the Queen flowing on some lips... And fresh pyres of smoke at the edge of the nobles district and the occasional body in the street still speaks of a city on the edge.

When you leave the tangled maze of Old Kovorsa it is a welcome escape, the watching eyes, the stick thin mothers coughing and pox marked and the beggars with hands clasped on daggers or lolling about their minds insensate with dream lilly is a horrible place. As your reach the barracks and the tall stone walls the guards wave you in you can feel a sense of relief. After pausing in the barracks canteen for your fill of a plain beef stew and some watered down ale a messenger grabs you, "Excuse me, the Lady Marshall will see you now and hear your report."

Following the young guardsman back into the stable you can see the short haired Marshall Kroft in her usual place standing over the map of Korvsa, this time you are relived there appears to be fewer discs of red and gold denoting riots and fires and more black discs marking patrols reporting "near normality." She looks up as you enter a grim look on her face, "Well, how was the bastard Barvosi, did he give you the letters? Will they be sufficient for the Duelling Master's scheme?"