Marion Mordis

The journey across the barrens was easier for Marion than one might think. Though a casual judgment may write the aristocrat off as a soft, pale girl that would be hard-pressed by even a two day journey through the exotic and unknown savannah wilderness, the warlock took to the trip with surprising fortitude that might not be so astonishing when one remembered the distant and arduous travels she had endured just to arrive on this continent. And so, a hardened journeyman by now, Marion sat atop the howdah that had been fastened to one of the great beasts where she could read a book, survey the local interests and deploy an umbrella should the beating sun become too harsh.

The warlock sometimes listened with passing interest to Aleena's tour-guide like explanations and on other occassions she zoned her out as she focused on the opened pages of her tome before her. It's not that Marion didn't appreciate the elfs new-found knowledge of the local area, she did, it's just...well, despite gazing upon something few humans had seen, the Alteraci just wasn't that interested in this type of biome. Heat. Endless golden grass. Big animals. Occasional pigman, green or brown. The end. It wasn't the mountains, the rich forests, the flowing azure rivers or the green fields of her homeland...if anything, it just reminded her how far away from home she truly was.

When they finally happened upon the oasis, Marion smiled to herself at the vision. It was quite beautiful, she had to admit, like a ripe green-and-blue fruit nestled within an endless sea of brown. The scent of fresh, running water. The emerald foliage of the healthy vegetation. It was a little patch of Eden amidst a blighted land.


Marion would have brought along an ample supply of provisions, given that she's now Ms Moneybags. Food (trail-ration variety), water, camping/survival tools and some spare coin/precious stones should bartering or trade need to take place.

For her actions, Marion will cast Demon Armor on herself and throw some glances around. Sorry to be annoying :P but that's about all she'd do at the moment, she'll leave the "scouting for enemies" and "searching for interesting stuff" to others who are more inclined. She'll just prep for heading into the cave.