[Fort Aegis Resort]

Och, Ewwwwwwwn! Eun internally snarks. Over the past few weeks, she's brought up the mental equivalent of a sound clip every time Buhan says something to that effect; a quick and hopefully effective way of saying "you sound just like my mother". At this point, it's almost a reflex.

But... yeah. It's hard to argue the point on a practical level. Higher levels of body fat would help insulate her against the cold. So would a thicker coat. Though she'd need either a parka or the figure of a manatee to not be bothered by the cold out here.

Oh, wait, someone's addressing her! It's...

A lizard... midget... guy?


She was kind of expecting that.

At least he's properly bundled up.

"...Um... y-yeah. Bu, Eun-Jung. I, um... I calleb aheab." She replies stuffily.