Fort Aegis Resort

Sheesh, Eun. It's a vacation not a race. Besides, this is a resort. You have any idea the kind of prima-donnas that probably come through? I doubt you could do anything that would actually annoy anyone here. Buhan whispers to her, as if sensing her stress. Which she is.

Walking down a few stairs into the lobby of the lower level immediately hits Eun with warm air. The lobby is covered in ornately carved wooden panels depicting kobold craftsman and a mouse with a rapier. A kobold sits at a desk, stroking the ear-fins of a shiny brass dragon the size of a dog which has fallen asleep on the counter.
"Oh, hello Miss. Are you miss Bu? We've been expecting you. Were you looking for a room down in the lower chambers, by the baths, or the upper chambers, overlooking the courtyards? And do you have any allergies?" chirps the employee.