Fort Aegis Resort

The greeter nods and writes a few notes in his ledger. Then he gets up, sadly having to leave the dragon hatchling un-pet for a few minutes.
“Very well, then. Follow me.” The kobold, who is wearing the long robe-like uniform of the bathhouse staff, fetches a key and leads Eun down into the lower level. It’s a little bit confusing but there are colored picture-signs giving directions cut into the stone and wood paneling. It’s also very brightly lit.
Eun’s room is one of the few rooms not sized for kobolds though it’s not that large. It’s very warm, understandably windowless, and as simple but elegantly decorated as the rest of the lower levels.
“Your room, Miss Bu. I do hope you feel better.” He helpfully pulls a tissue box from a nearby closet and sets it down on a table for her.