Feedback for the ones I hadn't gotten to before now.

Spoiler: Eldritch Knight
Martial Magic
How does this work with spells that don't affect creatures, like dancing lights?

Spellcasting Focus
I hadn't realized this wasn't already a part of Eldritch Knight. Definitely a good addition.

Weapon Bond
I'm reminded of 3.5's Duskblade with the changes you've made. It's a different twist on the subclass and one that makes them more formidable in melee. I will admit that I'm having trouble seeing how this isn't the equivalent of moving the original Eldritch Knight's War Magic feature down to 3rd level. They both allow you to use both a cantrip and an attack in the same turn.

Battle Surge
This feels like a fix to a problem you created for yourself by making every spell have a range of touch. It's cool to be able to center area of effect spells on yourself and avoid being hit by them, but it's less cool that you must center them on yourself.

War Magic
Being limited to cantrips with spell attack rolls limits this much more than the original feature. Still fun, but less flexible.

Eldritch Flurry
That's a lot of extra damage. Combine this with something like fire bolt and you're suddenly doing equivalent damage to a Battle Master at will. I'm struggling to see what this adds to the subclass besides more power.

Eldritch Strike
This is a better version of the original feature. Can you elaborate on why this was necessary? I don't think I understand what was wrong with the standard feature that you felt it needed improving.

Arcane Riposte
What does "deflect an attack using a spell with a casting time of a reaction" mean? I feel like this is specifically meant to be used with shield and if that is the case, I think it would be simpler to say "if you use shield" instead.

I'll also note that in order to counterspell you now have to be in touch range of the person casting the spell, which makes it harder to cast.

Improved Eldritch Strike
What does this mean? Does this allow you to do something like cast fire bolt and burning hands as part of the same action?

Overall Impression
I can't help but feel like this is a more complicated version of the paladin. It's got the same basic structure of attacking and using a spell slot for more damage. There are certainly differences, but it treads similar ground.

Spoiler: Wild Sorcerer
Wild Surge
Comparing this with Tides of Chaos, this has a much higher cost to use for what appears to be little benefit. You can't quicken a spell on the same turn or cast anything other than a cantrip. You're also using an extra spell slot for what could potentially be a negative effect.

What am I missing here that makes this preferable to Tides of Chaos?

Roll with the Tides
The first half of this feature appears to activity conflict with the point of playing a Wild Sorcerer. Why are you paying sorcery points to avoid using your class features?

The second half of this feature feels like a way to add Tides of Chaos back into the subclass, but with a different twist. I'd enjoy being able to use Wild Magic Surges in this way.

Controlled Mayhem
This feels roughly equivalent to the original ability.

I envision most of these Wild sorcery points being used on Controlled Mayhem, which feels counter to the point of playing a Wild Sorcerer. The more control you have over Wild Magic Surge, the less wild it becomes.

I really like being able to trigger more than one surge at once - that's amazing!

Overall Impression
I don't understand some of the design decisions you made, especially the ones that run counter to using your class features or controlling them, so I think I missed something major with your design intent.

This feels like a less wild version of the Wild Magic sorcerer to me.

Spoiler: Way of the Sun Soul (BerzerkerUnit)
Illuminating Wisdom
Mostly a fluff feature, but it's delightfully apt for this subclass.

Radiant Bolts
Oh, whoa, this encourages a monk with this subclass to make Wisdom their highest score. That's interesting.

Does the barrage of bolts have to target the same creature? I can't quite tell right now. I'd also suggest limiting this additional barrage of bolts to once per turn, otherwise this feature allows a monk to dump all of their ki points in one turn for a ton of extra damage. A fifth level monk, for example, could throw two radiant bolts, then two more with flurry of blows and then probably sink their remaining four ki points into barrages of bolts for the attacks that hit for a total of 8d6 + 4x Wisdom modifier damage to a single creature. They would then be completely out of ki points.

Sky-Crossing Step
I ought to point out that this is better than the same-level feature of the much-maligned Twilight Domain. A simple fix would be adding concentration to keep this flight active.

Treating different light levels as terrain is downright awesome.

Sunset Soul Explosion
This is a fairly straightforward fix to Searing Sunburst, so I'm a fan.

Glorious Heliocentric Countenance
Oh, this feels like a paladin capstone feature. Does the extra radiant damage on unarmed strikes apply to your Radiant Bolts?

There's a lot going on here, but it's mostly circumstantial. My guess is that it hits about the right balance for a 17th level monk feature.

Overall Impression
I like a lot of this. Radiant Bolts allows a little too much ki to be expended all at once, but other than that, this works well.

Spoiler: Soulknife
I don't think I've ever seen a subclass that can be shared between classes before. I like that possibility, but it requires some careful thought to make it work well.

Mind Blade
How does concentration work with two mind blades? Do both disappear if concentration is lost?

Automatic critical hits every other turn with sneak attack eclipses the main draw of Assassin at the same level for a rogue. That's powerful.

Way of the Soulknife
This doesn't give a monk much more utility than they already had. Constantly having to resummon mind blades as a bonus action also conflicts with the many other options monks have for their bonus actions.

Soulknife Fighter
Summoning mind blades quicker allows for faster crits. I also suspect this subclass will get more crits than a Champion fighter, but that's not saying much.

Soulknife Rogue
Being able to summon a Mind Blade and use Cunning Action is really nice. This seems fine.

None of these stand out to me as exciting and attention-grabbing. They're all useful, but in small, incremental ways.

Annihilating Blade
This works best for monks, but a high Wisdom fighter could do a decent amount of extra damage with this. Doesn't work so well for rogues. Not much to say here, it's a damage boost.

Arsenal of the Mind
Neither rogue nor monk want this. Fighters do, but 7th level is pretty late to switch to using a different style of weapon. I suspect this is meant to have synergy with specific feats, but that isn't going to be particularly clear to players unless they know the rules of the game quite well.

Concussive Collapse
I like shoving foes around, this seems like fun.

Energy Blade
Another damage boosting option. This seems really similar to Annihilating Blade.

Force Shield
Most of the time, using an actual shield is more useful. Monks and rogues don't have shield proficiency, so they might like it at the start of a fight, but the extra AC will disappear once they lose concentration and it takes too long to bring back up to really be useful to manifest in the middle of a fight.

Psionic Power
Magic Initiate as a class feature isn't bad, but not getting it until somewhere between 6th and 9th level is a little late.

Psychic Parry
More useful for fighters and monks than rogues, who have uncanny dodge. For a defensive-focused character, this is awesome.

Psychic Pin
Seems fine to me.

Soul Siphon
This doesn't seem like enough temporary hit points to be worth taking. Collapsing the mind blade for a few extra temporary hit points instead of getting an automatic critical feels like an poor tradeoff.

Speed of Thought
Useful for fighters and maybe rogues. Monks usually have speed to spare.

Improved Mind Blade
Okay, more crits, similar to a Champion fighter.

Psychic Bladestorm
My biases are showing here, but this reminds me too much of 3.5's multiclassing builds where you had to plan your character's entire 1-20 path to be effective. It also breaks my suspension of disbelief in the game world because it explicitly recognizes game features as being necessary to have this ability.

It does lots of damage, but that's about it.

Overall Impression
This pushes players hard in the direction of multiclassing "correctly" and has a lot of features that improve combat capabilities. This isn't my cup of tea, but I've no doubt that some players would love it.

Spoiler: Way of the Elements
Elemental Initiate
That's a lot of cantrips that provide a lot of utility.

Elemental Attunements
This is a lot in addition to the cantrips. I'm worried that this subclass is frontloaded and ripe for multiclassing out of.

Attunement of Fire seems the most useful - it allows you to focus your damage on a single target and has access to area spells as well. I'm having trouble coming up with a situation where I wouldn't want to have it as one of my Elemental Attunements.

Elemental Strike
More damage on a monk is pretty good. Pairing Wood and Fire could result in a lot of temporary hit points. Fangs of the Fire Snake plus Wood Elemental strike would be 1d6 + 2d10 + 1d4 + Dex mod temporary hit points at 6th level, somewhere around 21 temporary hit points.

Elemental Flurry
Ooh. This is like an Eldritch Knight's Improved War Magic, but seven levels earlier and two attacks instead of one. This might be a little strong.

Elemental Avatar
Yeah, the investiture spells make sense here. Being able to cast any one of them is a nice bit of utility, too.

Overall Impression
This is a good improvement over the original but might be a little front-loaded. I really like the elemental attunements giving access to thematic lists.

Quote Originally Posted by MoleMage View Post
Spoiler: Assassin

The old Assassin was clunky but functional. Hopefully you trimmed some of the clunk and kept some of the murder.

  • Assassinate: This is a good example of trimming clunk. The old one was highly unreliable and surprised is a tricky condition that a lot of tables misuse in my experience. This one is clean and always helpful.
  • I can't believe you've created an explicit "two gnomes in a trenchcoat" mechanic for this subclass. I can believe how delighted that makes me. Mechanically, I think this is fine. It's nicer than the "week to establish a false identity" option which felt more like an espionage thing than an assassination thing (not that there isn't significant overlap in the two trope-o-spheres).
  • Exfiltration Expertise: The only weird thing here is that it happens passively without your input. I suggest tying this to Cunning Action or granting the rogue a reaction they can use when an ally would provoke an opportunity attack to make it feel more like the Rogue is directing their allies in how to get away. At the very least this should be limited to allies the Rogue can perceive and/or require the Rogue to be conscious (like a paladin aura). Nitpicking aside, this is a really fun feature (and the old Impostor feature once again felt very espionage and not very assassin).
  • Death Strike: The new wording is identical to Assassinate's new wording, but that's still fine. Once per combat is not going to break the world in half.

Overall, this class stayed closer to its base identity and mechanics than most, which was better because you applied the grease to the squeaky wheels while leaving the good stuff intact. I feel like you stayed closer to the identity of the assassin while you were at it as well.
Thanks for taking a look and glad you enjoyed the "two gnomes in a trenchcoat" feature!

Tying Exfiltration Expertise to Cunning Action could work. I'd rather not make it consume reactions because rogues tend to have really good uses for their reactions already. Paladin auras were definitely the inspiration for this, but I glanced at Oath of the Ancients for what sort of wording to use and it looks like that's the one paladin aura that doesn't require you to be conscious to function.

I'll fiddle around and see if I can come up with something better.