Quote Originally Posted by Old Harry MTX View Post
In my experience with the original class I got this mechanic from, there is absolutely no need to specify all of these exceptions, since each spell specifies well what its RANGE is and what its RADIUS is, and only its range is affected by Battle Magic, similar to what the Distant Spell metamagic option does. Green Flame Blade for example, has a range of Self, so it is not altered by Battle Magic in any way.

The more specific wording would account for cases like you had with Dimension Door (which doesn't target a creature). You don't have to provide examples, it's just something I do in my writing.

HAHAHAHAHA. This is a problem due to the fact that English is not my mother tongue. I wanted to express the idea that spells were "released explosively" directly from the body of the EK. I may have misunderstood the meaning of Surge, which in my language can also be translated as "wave" or "impetus". I accept gladly advices for an alternative!!! ^^

You aren't wrong for the translation. There's a sense in English of a surge being an upswell of energy but without the explosive release part. Or maybe it's just me. Language is funny that way sometimes.

Mmm, this is weird. The text of this feature is largely taken from Sculpt Spell of the Wizard's school of Evocation, and I'm pretty sure it's meant to include the Wizard himself if he chooses so, since he can see and therefore choose himself among the creatures to apply the effects.

Am I wrong? O_o

You say you can use the feature on "other creatures that you can see", which by a strict reading means "creatures other than yourself that you can see". If you drop the other it will be doing what you intended it to.
My responses in bold so I didn't have to break up the quote.