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    Titan in the Playground
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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Huitzopochitl wants to rip your heart out (IC)

    Idol of Huitzopochitl

    The glowing figure looks up at you. You hear a voice echo in some primordial language that you can all understand as though it were your native tongue. "The troublemakers, come at last to sacrifice yourselves to me. I am unstoppable."

    The spear fused to the idol's hand points at three of you in turn, firing three bright, iridescent beams at three of your number, while one of the motes orbiting its head shoots up to explode next to Drak.


    One at Sleth...
    Lance of Light attack (1d20+14)[26] for (6d8)[29] radiant damage

    One at Umara...
    Lance of Light attack (1d20+14)[17] for (6d8)[25] radiant damage

    One at The Serpent...
    Lance of Light attack (1d20+14)[27] for (6d8)[19] radiant damage

    Crown of Stars at Drak
    Ranged spell attack, (1d20+14)[18] for (4d12)[31] radiant damage

    "Be surrounded by my glory, the rainbow god of war."

    A shimmering, multicolored sphere of light englobes all 5 of you, cutting off your view of the rest of the world. It's extremely bright and seems to be all colors at once. Those who can still see recognize the characteristics of a Prismatic Sphere.

    You are all surrounded by a 25' diameter Prismatic Sphere. Everyone needs to make a DC 22 Constitution save or be blinded for 1 minute.
    Should you choose to try to pass through the sphere, make saving throws as appropriate in your post. DC22 for all of them.

    The Ahuitzotl far below spend their turn moving.

    => Umara's Turn, then Vasily

    Spoiler: map

    1 square = 5'
    No good way to show the prismatic sphere on the map, but it's 25' in diameter and centered on the Serpent, who's at the middle of the party.
    A1-4 = Sun Acolyte
    C1-8 = Champion (lance & javelin melee mundanes)
    P2-3 = Senior Priests
    HP = High Priest
    W1 = War Priest, a more martial priest
    H1-H2 = Ahuitzotl

    Last edited by J-H; 2022-04-28 at 08:48 PM.