Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki View Post
Top three field agents probably.
Top 3 field agents in Haven, anyway. Could go either way in comparison to Justopia as a whole. It might be the JSP put their 3 top agents in Haven due to the risk from Chernyl. Or it might be that Haven was considered a super low priority situation since it was contained by Malhart and the JSP as a whole said "well, all they need to do is punch in a code if a very unlikely event happens so let's send these dummies over there to get them out of the way."

Guy Juliet stands in massive contrast to the JSP. Also from Justopia, also in law enforcement (though, regular cop not secret police), and he's the polar opposite of the JSP guys - smart, semi-caring, willing to work with people instead of just killing them, and still effective in at least disabling opponents (at least, he dealt with both Lacey and Piper). Granted, he is a well known (maybe celebrity) cop not rank-and-file cop, but if one of your top cops is so vastly beyond your best secret police, you need to revisit your secret police training and policies.