Spoiler: Gigglespit's Status, Round 1
Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback
Chaotic Good Gnome Bard, Level 3, HP 36/36, Speed 25 ft.
Small Humanoid (Fey Touched Gnome), Circus Born
AC 19, Fort 7, Ref 10, Will 7, Perception 7
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Light Mace (+8 to hit, 1d4 damage, Agile, Shove, Finesse)
Conditions: Inspire Courage (Allies +1 attack, damage, and vs. Fear)
0/3 - 1st Level Spells
0/2 - 2nd Level Spells

Giggles take the opportunity to fling more magic as he encourages his friends, saying "No more hiding in fear, guys! And you in there - freeze or we won't hold our strikes!"

All PCs apply the benefits of Inspire Courage to your rolls!

Spoiler: Mechanics
Cast Inspire Courage and Ray of Frost. Ray of Frost: (1d20+10)[22] vs AC, (2d4+4)[11] cold damage.

Critical Success The target takes double damage and takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round.
Success The target takes normal damage.