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    Titan in the Playground
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    Montevarchi, Italy

    Default Re: The Sisters' Chronicles Thread 2: Nobody likes Abadaius

    As wholesome as it was, the truth was... Boots was going to hurt a LOT. To the point that even Filone, the weird lava fey that didn't speak and obeyed Fiamma's orders emotionlessly, came out to help her.

    Ethrindae bit her lip and summoned Nasa's feys, that washed over Boots' body to help her withstand the burning EVERYTHING.
    Spoiler: Ooc


    I've rolled the damage and since it's pretty close to the average I'll just take that.

    With Primordial Ward considered, which for the sake of my mental sanity is gonna extend to the whole time, Boots takes 14 damage each round for 8 minutes, before Alifa calms down. Ethrindae can help heal let's say taking an entire die away, leaving about 10 damage.

    That totals up to 800 damage, which Boots needs to tank if she wants to keep Alifa back against the wall.

    Filone (who is the one using Fiamma's Lair Actions) can give her the benefit of a short rest, once.

    Up to you to find a way to get to the end.
    Last edited by Valmark; 2022-05-11 at 07:35 PM.