Beyond the crack the darkness beckons, a thick winding path that oozes natural steam and mist that soon hide what lies beyond in a thick fog that smells sulphurous from you would guess the volcanic vents that feed and heat much of the crater you would guess. The same volcanic vents that are rife in the jungles that lie south of Sasserine. The tunnels wind on in increasing heat for a few hundred feet feet before opening up into a wider space where the mist swirls around knee to waist height in great swirls of purple and green smoke lit by the profusion of luminescent fungi and man high mushrooms that fill the chamber.

The chamber expands some 100ft in diameter, sloping slightly downwards towards the centre of the chamber that is filed with mist and a vile stench. A writhing "something" flickers once in the mist some 50ft ahead of you, light refracting from the fog blocking your view as a mental telepthaic urging reaches your minds... "Mortals... small piles of flesh. You have strayed deep, foolish, I have hungrered long, the worms of the earth