If Richard is willing to stake his life on Blackwire not going after him while the rest of us are somewhere nearby, Sean comes up with the following plan:
1. We radio the power plant that we'll pick up the three waffle house guards for a single night mission and so they should be ready.
2. We put on the NVGs and drive two cars (including the sedan we have at the base) with lights off to the power plant (miles?).
3. We pick up the three waffle house guards. Tariq loads with a single illumination round and a the rest of 9 HE, 2 HEDP.
4. Still with lights off, we drive to within two miles of the meeting point. We park cars off the road and camouflage them.
5. We go parallel to the road, with Sean some distance ahead and the waffle house men lead by one NVG-equipped man each.
6. We stop some 500 yards off the meeting point, still some distance beside the road.
7. While everyone waits there, Sean makes a half-circle around the meeting point, still some 500 yards from it.
8. Sean then gets closer until he can observe the meeting point and observes it.
9. Richard then starts to move towards the meeting point. At 250 yards from it, he lights a hand flare and the rest of the team follows that flare to within 100 yards.
10. Richard is then to approach and conduct the negotiations alone.

Sean proposes our position in the negotiations would be as follows:
1. Too many of those who want Blackwire dead would rather kill him than negotiate a truce. We are unable talk them off that at the moment, but...
2. We have been told by the rangers that one Blackwire is worth two other slavers' commanders. So, if we can get two slavers' commanders with the help of Blackwire, things are bound to improve substantially.
3. Then we would be able to house Blackwire somewhere, employ him in our operations and reasonably demand he is not attacked by forces allied to us and opposed to the slavers.
4. So our proposal would be that Blackwire either gets two such commanders himself or hands us the information about all such commanders so that we can choose and get two of them.
5. If he chooses the later, he'll have two options until we are done: either to continue to be on the run or to to surrender and be held prisoner (we can reasonably demand him not attacked while we hold him prisoner).
6. Alternative proposals could be considered, but no guarantees.
7. If Blackwire needs food stock to lie low, or whatever other supplies, we can trade with him, for either material things or the info.

This assumes the night won't be pitch-black (stars and/or the moon would be enough). If it would be pitch-black, there would be corrections.