As best as Delja could tell from a glance the sphere is a construct of multiple spells woven together, layers interacting visually in such an exuberant display. It does not respond to the presence of anyone in the room noticeably, though the random swells of light may coincidentally convince an observer otherwise.

Delja can hear nothing on the other side of the door on Q36. While part of this could be the loud, gusting air emitting from the sphere, she is pretty sure nothing is actually making a peep on the other side.


The encyclopedia of Flow charts, appropriately named Beyond the Arcane Inner Flow: Astral Cartography on the Frontiers (with no credited author on the title), is actually rather large but with some physical motivation manages to squeeze through the opening of Myriad's handy haversack. With little effort she manages to fit a handful of eye-catching volumes in after it: Planar Diffusion in Higher Dimensions by Kallber Nesh, Graded Mirrors: The Theory of Portals by Hon. Kentari Zee, Silver Sands: Cosmic Geography in Athas by High Preserver Sadira, and a particularly dense-looking text called Local Measurements on Connections by one R. Soames. Their apparent age and inlaid gold and gems would alone fetch a good price at an auction, but their content is exactly the sort of indecipherable technical arcane gibberish that wealthy collectors buy to look smart—though Myriad could probably make some headway working through the texts on her own.


Ux speaks into the magic sphere, which seems to happily blow fresh air into his face then flash him with a flurry of harmless lights in response. After a moment it becomes clear this was just random; the sphere continues this pattern in various directions.