It's getting dark out, Vermont nights are dangerous for their rough terrain in deep black.
(OC: Darkness penalty -7.)

Blackwire only has a basic radio at the moment, less advanced than what the exiles have.

The food and water is unloaded, and Blackwire's people seem very happy with the gift.
(OC: Way less Reaction penalties!)

The drive to the town takes only 40 minutes, thanks to Sean's excellent leadership. Sean gets the approach subtle and undetected. The cars are well-hid and the exiles stay out of sight.

The exiles make their way over to the Old World building which the slavers have claimed as their base. It looks strongly built, it was something called a "bank". The slavers have erected an improvised but solid wall around the parking lot and entrance of the building. There is only one opening in the wall, watched intently by guards. In the "courtyard" past the wall, slavers have built elevated platforms and bonfires for their vigil. No traps anywhere, except for the guard patrols. Sean counts 20 armed people in the courtyard, taking cover under tarps and eating dinner.