B'Xli breathed much easier after stashing the vehicle with the Ownclubs. He spent a few minutes fiddling with it before departing (seeking to disconnect the wires from the ignition, so a mechanic will need to perform a two minute fix before it can be operated). He then proceeded back to the warehouse with Rex to see if Wzlwxi had anything else. Given the time, he only set aside an hour to try and forage for some herbs and supplies to ensure he had some healing potions for next time and then collapsed into bed.

He shook himself as he woke up and spent a few minutes deciding what specialties would best serve him today and then set out for the warehouse immediately following breakfast to ask for updates, see if there were any tool sets available and inquire about future remuneration.

Spoiler: Spells
He is changing out Detect Poison and Disease for Locate Animals or Plants; Create or Destroy Water is replaced by Goodberry; and verifying other spells now. In the morning he is going to ritual cast Locate Animals or Plants to better locate Healing Potion ingredients.