Fort Aegis Resort

Buhan is fully capable of understanding a science analogy. She's been contaminated by Eun long enough to understand more than Eun thinks.
Eun...I think you've been hurting yourself for a long time. I know that you enjoy work, but I know that there's a part of you that does actually want to go out and socialize a little. It's what called Mother in the first place, as ill-fated as all of that was. Why do you deny that you want that? Why have you decided that you don't deserve to be happy?

Dancing Fox Inn

It's morning. Mist is awake. Mist has his charities. Mist has...quite a lot going on at the moment. There's probably a lot of new sensations to having those charities in the waking world, as well as...well he's looking a little...undefined. Not physically. He's his human self. Nothing wrong about that. But there's the oddest sense that there ought to be...more. It's probably a lot more clear to Message what's going on: he might have gotten a seed in his dream, but it's lacking the final and most important part to complete the process. Mist SHOULD be a lot different right now, but the forgotten way that seed was, there's no mortals to know he exists and help him define what that seed makes him.
"Hey, Leah. You up?"