"Our gods are distant since the Second Sundering, frost clan. Giantkind is aimless, wasting away. But our god Skoraeus Stonebones speaks again. Thane Kayalithica reached Him, we saw Him answer. The dreams of giantkind are poisoned, nature out of balance. The small folk do not know what they are doing, their edifices spread across the bones of our past, they destroy, push away, unknowingly bring everything out of balance. We have gone to the surface, dismantle small folk buildings, bury what disturbs the natural order, and build nexi to help nature mend." The stone giant puts the last boulder on the pillar he was working on as he speaks. Looking around, he goes to a very specific spot to begin the next pillar, to continue the exact pattern.

"Some of the villagers attacked me, I defended myself as much as was needed. I do not blame them. They lash out at us because they do not want to let go of what they built, they do not understand what is happening, holding on to their favored keepsake as it drags all of us into the abyss." The stone giant continues building.