Chet is clearly in a state of bewilderment and confusion, or at least that was his own assessment, which he likewise recognized was probably the greatest understatement of his young life. He remembered having just been in such incredible pain and that Sally had been crying... and then there that light and a voice. Oh no, the car had hit him. He was SO dead. Actually, he was dead, cold, and wet... and now... now a raccoon? Was that a raccoon? A talking raccoon?!

Chet's attempt to roll up to his feet away from the talking animal, did not really help things, as every bit of him felt so heavy and when he did finally manage to get off his back and onto his backside, he couldn't help but realize it felt oddly... big. Of course, this oddity quickly played second fiddle as his eyes finally found purchase on his own... blue paws. Wait? PAWS?!

"Wha... WHAT THE...?!"

However, this shock also immediately played second fiddle to what he saw just beyond his... paws, which was several other creatures, including what looked to him to be a scorpion larger than any he'd ever read about.

"Oh, holy crap!"