Armariel blasts the greater ghoul with one hit, missing with the other. His tiny servants aim at the same target, scoring two hits. Thoradin finishes the creature off, then hammers at the mob around him (18 dmg). The mob claws and bites at him, and at his mount.


vs Thoradin
Claw (1d20+4)[16] adv (1d20+4)[9], 2d4+2[/roll] piercing damage, DC 10 Con save or paralysis, Con save dice (1d20)[20]
Claw (1d20+4)[15] adv (1d20+4)[8], 2d4+2[/roll] piercing damage, DC 10 Con save or paralysis, Con save dice (1d20)[14]
Bite (1d20+4)[19] adv (1d20+4)[23], 2d4+2[/roll] piercing damage
Bite (1d20+4)[10] adv (1d20+4)[9], 2d6+2[/roll] piercing damage

vs Steelfur
Claw (1d20+4)[10] adv (1d20+4)[7], 2d4+2[/roll] piercing damage, DC 10 Con save or paralysis, Con save dice (1d20)[15]
Claw (1d20+4)[20] adv (1d20+4)[15], 2d4+2[/roll] piercing damage, DC 10 Con save or paralysis, Con save dice (1d20)[8]
Bite (1d20+4)[6] adv (1d20+4)[16], 2d6+2[/roll] piercing damage
Bite (1d20+4)[7] adv (1d20+4)[23], 2d6+2[/roll] piercing damage

=>Everybody goes after this, then the mob, and I'm assuming you set up a wall of readied attacks for the Banished creatures?