
"You may have a point." She walks to her donkey on the edge of the forest, seeming like she might indeed intend to leave. Looking as if she is simply replenishing her goods, Getty grabs some items from Heecor. Taking the various alchemical contraptions, she bundles them together, and holds them in her left hand. "I am quite tired of denizens of the forest making demands with little explanation. I have created a... dead man's switch, as it were. If you assault me in any fashion, such as placing me in a state of slumber, the items will drop from my hand. That will cause a conflagration like none you have ever witnessed, burning this forest and all of its inhabitants to cinders."

"I do not wish to cause any of you harm. However I have no reason to accept your word and you are reluctant to give me any such reason. Therefore, I must assume you, and the dryad, are up to nothing good."

Once again Getty sets through the forest towards the dryad's grove, leaving Heecor at the edge of the forest.

{Spot! (1d20+7=23)
Bluff! (1d20+1=17)}