After loading the left-over equipment, you continue to follow the trail.

The trail left by the dragged altar goes across hillsides, sometimes up and sometimes down, following whatever route looks easiest out of foothills and into the edge of the mountains. Ultimately, it leads to the south end of a small valley half-full of a pond. A small waterfall on the eastern side of the valley feeds a pond some 150’ across. On the north and east sides of the pond is a rocky cliffside, approximately 60’ high. The western end of the pond ends in what appears to be a large wooden dam. The south end of the pond, where the party is, is a grassy sward dotted with stumps.

Across the pond, you can see the top 3 feet of a suspiciously squared-off hole in the northern cliff, looking like a carved-out doorway or entryway. The drag mark runs into the water pointing almost straight at it. It’s about 10’ wide.

The doorway is approximately 100’ from the eastern cliff-face, and 40’ from the dam, and 150' across the pond from you.