Abigail Klisi
Halfling Genie Warlock
AC: 16 HP: 104/104
PP: 12 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: Mage Armour (5 hours), Genie Flight (10 minutes).
Concentrating: --

"If you want! I'm not going to get my feet wet though." She waves her rod in the air and takes to the air once more, floating gently. Once she's a little way up she beckons Tagar down and whispers to him "Go take a look in the cave while we're working our way over - invisible like. Come back the moment you see any enemies, don't engage." At her command, Tagar flies off invisibly once more towards the cave, his imp-sight guaranteeing that even with no lighting he should have no issues peeking into the gloom.

With her scout dispatched she floats over the pond, giving it a decently wide berth, just in case the giant beavers were very territorial.