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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D In Another World - Village of New Beginnings

    DM - Ephraim

    He shrugs casually and replies, "Ah, no, no [Hearthstone] I'm afraid. See, New Beginnings is whatcha might call a [Starter Town] for you new arrivals to the Realm. Yeah, see, you're 'sposed to learn the basics here, but..." he shrugs again. "If you can't survive here, well, you probably just ain't suited to surviving elsewhere neither. Best that we, uh, reallocate those resources where they'll do some good. Yeah?"

    He kicks aimlessly at a small pebble near his feet before taking a deep breath and continuing.

    "So, there's a low-level [Dungeon] just past the north gate here and a [Goblin Camp] to the southwest, both of which can get you some combat experience. The [Dungeon] doubles as a [Mine] and the [Goblin Camp] is surrounded by some good [Herb] and [Reagent] gathering locations, both of which can get you some Profession experience. There's some tougher fights upstream, and if you take a boat, there's some good fishing downstream, albeit also with some tougher monsters.

    There's some folks 'round town who might can give you a [Quest] or two, but don't expect too much. We're pretty self sufficient, seeing as you can't leave the valley and come back. Out the southeast gate is a new [Farm] where you can get some good farming experience, and there's a few other professionals 'round town what could give you a job.

    You can stay here at the [Inn], at a cost of ten copper per night, or you can seek lodging elsewhere. No loitering though. If'n you can't find a proper place to sleep, you'll have to rest outside the walls and deal with all that entails or just go without proper rest.

    He scratches at the stubble on his chin and gazes off into the clouds.

    "Seems like there was something else I was 'sposed to tell ya...

    Oh! Right! Minimum party size is two. You can wander 'round town alone, but you can't leave through the gates or take any quests if'n you're solo.

    Oh! One last thing! You've got one month of [Head Start] time, after which you've got to leave the [Starter Town] and venture out into the Realm proper. Time's already started, so get those parties formed and get out there!
    Last edited by Rizban; 2022-08-25 at 03:17 PM.
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