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Thread: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character II

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character II

    Abigail watches as once again the others take care of the situation without need of her healing and wonder what was so threatening about this Dungeon that the others that had come here could not handle it, or was it that her own allies were so powerful that they were above the curve of the Dungeon itself? Is that why the Dungeon had begun using traps, as it knew somehow that most things thrown against them would fail unlike traps which would take long to deal with which in turn would weaken their defenses? It was indeed a curious thing to think of the Dungeon as intelligent, however she had heard the voice before herself and could not put it past the fact that it was indeed intelligent in some manner of the sense.

    Looking over the bodies of Liselle's friends she explains to everyone their cause of death, doubting it was a surprise to any of them, but still feeling the need to tell them. "Liselle it is not a spell I have tried using before, however when we return to Sol if you wish I could try speaking with their souls if you had any questions for them." the priestess offers in case the woman wished for closure.

    "Oh he is not that bad." Abigail says looking at the staff. "You must forgive my friends here, unlike myself who enjoys and values peace and non violence in most cases, they look about finding peace by stopping everything that would wish to harm those they love. A different view then my own, and from the sounds of it yours, however it is not an incorrect one. You say you can walk on your own, does that mean you could tell us about the group you were with before we saved you, or how you managed to get here?" she asks the staff, offering to take it to the side so it's voice didn't bother the others.
    Last edited by dantiesilva; 2022-09-03 at 06:33 PM.