St. Dorn nods as well, "As good a solution as anything, Ms. Wrentz."

He shifts in his seat while he takes a spoon to mix the honey into his tea a little more. "Now, you say you are taking over the investigation. Which since we were subcontracted to you, seems perfectly fine. And as a local person of means, if someone outside should come to this hate-encrusted town you would likely be received better. But what did you have in mind when you say 'taking over the investigation.' Are you asking my group to remove themselves? .... Is this a subtle way of having our employment terminated?"

Ms. Wrentz shakes her head only as much as possibly needed to convey the negative, a picture of efficiency in bodily movement. "I have a partnered team just returned from an investigation abroad, in addition to a few investigators in town that I've asked to hold on taking any new cases, as I admit I saw something like this happening within the realm of possibility. My investigators will assist you in the processing, feeding, and watching of the prisoners so the talents of your more experienced people are not taken from the task at hand. Though, allow me to inform you now the two investigators going with you are quite senior in the agency and are no slouches.

"Then, once we have your full group together .... outside of any that are on prisoner detail ... we shall discuss everything discovered and determine the best means of moving forward. I am not a friend of the sunk-cost fallacy just because of death, and I do not wish for your tea to dogger on if doing so is not in the best interest of the investigation. Agreed?"

St. Dorn, who obviously seems to like the plan, tries to hold his consent (though Vilma sees it plainly) as he looks to Vilma so as not to pre-empt her.

Vilma, what do you say?