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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Negative LA-Assignment : Resurrection, but no diamond here

    Important note: As it's described with Full Plate and a Heavy Shield, and is a Giant, it's Proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons, all typical armor, and non-tower shields, plus having two albeit-in-tension bonus feats and no Intelligence penalty. I would strongly suggest 6 RHD/DLA -1 instead.

    Playing along with its original setup, we have ourselves a perfect user for Blood-Spiked Charger. Because 2d8+5.5xStr on a Charge is a fine-enough pseudo-Pounce starting point, its requirement of an empty hand lets you use Improved Grapple with the benefits of being Large, you can get a net +1 to attack and AC if you have Combat Expertise, and you get a 2d8+3xStr Full-Round Action single swing for some rather severe demands of Improved TWF when you want to wreck one target next to you. Oh, and you can actually have Combat Expertise to qualify for Improved Trip, which TWF attack volume is applicable to for all everyone obsesses over Spiked Chain Combat Reflexes setups.

    Edit: Can also just be a Spiked Chain Tripper with Improved Grapple "wasted", but I figured I may as well mention the direction that gives you 70 average damage Charges (2d8+2+6xStr, with +10 mod from 16 assigned+14 racial) off a single Spiked Shield hit. If you go Psychic Warrior, you lose a bunch of its versatility for the privilege of 1pp for Huge and being able to be Gargantuan. Which means you can try to Grapple the Tarrasque with that free hand, for all I'm fairly certain you need +100 Grapple to do that.
    Last edited by Morphic tide; 2022-10-20 at 04:33 PM.