Draelin takes advantage of his invisible state to survey the scene a little longer. Human, then. Some kind of magician or shaman? Hard to tell how she'd receive strangers, anyway. He considered how effective a quick decisive blow while she's unaware of him might be - probably quite so, given her aged state. But her knowledge may be useful, if she's willing to tell it.

Alright. Draelin made a decision and started to head back. Once he makes it to the others, he gets up and starts talking - he doesn't know enough about invisibility to know if and when it'll fade, but he doesn't let that stop him. "One person in there, an old woman. Very old. Looks like she might have some kind of magic - you know, one of those looks and homes that makes you think that way - so it's probably best you two come with me. I can't tell if she'll be friendly or not, but it's worth a try talking. She might know more about what happened, where we're going, and if we need to be concerned about what caused this."