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Thread: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

  1. - Top - End - #520
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

    Richard frowns as he sees the approaching group. Sick and injured. He feels obligated to do something to help, but some of them look pretty badly ill and he can't afford to get sick. He looks back at Sean as he sets himself and the men up. "I'll try to talk to them - from a safe distance, of course. If they don't listen, turn violent or try to close the distance...we'll see." Richard really didn't want to see them shot. It's probably not a surprise to Sean, given their time together so far, that he doesn't even directly bring up the prospect of shooting the group.

    That said - or not said, as it were - Richard walks forward a few steps and shouts out into the darkness. "You lot! Stop there! We can give you help and supplies, but you have to stop approaching! Some of you are sick!"
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2022-11-07 at 08:26 PM.