"These are five hundred years of dead people's weapons that the ragewalker has gathered. After a while, he stopped actually killing people himself and started hanging around the battlefields, letting others do it for him."
"How many souls has he..."
"Forced to kill one another? Oh, two millions... -ish. He calls it his... *sigh* '#Lifehack'. "

- One expert describing, from a safe distance, a ragewalker fanning the flames of conflict and slicing people in half.

The ragewalker embodies the primal rage of combat. As a Large Fey, he really can't fight by himself. Half BAB, d6 HD? Yeah right. On the other hand, it has a lot of abilities that make people just bash each other instead of him.
First, its ability scores are extremely good. +8 Str, +14 Dex, +8 Con, +0 Int, +4 Wis, +14 Cha, total +48, no penalty.
It goes well with its 50ft speed, two claws and GMW'd spiked chain to do some damage.
Then, it can rebuke and control Living Spells. That's probably the least useful rebuking pool I've seen. And it even uses only half of its HD as the ETL.
Its much more interesting ability is Induce Rage Frenzy. When the ragewalker is closer than 10ft from you, you make a Will save or start attacking the closest person in melee, whoever that is, and lose the ability to speak, cast spells, and is "incoherent", which probably means they can't manifest powers or use spell-like either. That's pretty good, as it's basically a save-or-lose for everything that doesn't rely only on melee attacks. It's unclear how that ability interacts with maneuvers, but even if it prevents the use of maneuvers, its radius is so small that you'll probably get attacked first by the affected people. You might want to invest in Widen Supernatural ability.
It has some buffing and battlefield control abilty, with Wall of Fire, Wall of Blades and Greater Magic Weapon 3/day, all at CL20. GMW notably is pretty good, and having a free +5 on your weapon will come in handy.
And finally, it has good defense for ECL around 12-14: complete immunity to nonepic ranged weapons that even throws them back to their shooter, Grafted Armor and Natural Armor for a total of +12 AC, SR 4+HD, DR 10/cold iron, a cloud of weapons dealing 2d6 to anyone adjacent, and fast healing 5. Hanging around the battlefield, remember? I suppose that's why it has so many RHD too (22 of them), so that it doesn't go down easy.

The ragewalker is very very bad. Its main ability is borderline unuseable, and the rest is very unfocused. Still, the stats are good, the SLAs are good and the defense is varied at least. 12 RHD, DLA-7. What do you think?

Since the LA-assignment just restarted after 3 weeks of hiatus, I too will pick up the pace. See you next time for Elder Redcap and Prismatic Roper.