Playing Yakuza.

With Hizuka's confirmation, Senko redoubles and more confidently votes for Ryone.


Daichi did agree that he'd try to turn over any information that he felt might be of interest to the Sound Village in exchange for monetary compensation and help settling in, and he's hoping to have the mutant branch of the Senju established as a formal clan in the sound village on the grounds that 1: Senko is the most direct living descendant of Daisuke, outside of a few older relatives who would be dead or retired by now, and thus having a nominal clan head position would insulate her from potential backlash to her having the bloodlines of other clans(Daisuke himself would, naturally, be her Regent until she came of age) and 2: Being the descendants of the only survivor of an attempted genocide, the main house of the Senju Clan could be argued to ow the mutant branch reparations, which could be leveraged into the Leaf granting Sound concessions.

The main limit on the plan, of course, is if Daichi's information is valuable enough to buy land for a clan compound.

Between his more mundane skills and his emergency funds, he has enough to keep himself and his wards comfortable until such a time as he can establish a more regular income.

Still, he has compiled what he believes to be the most interesting, to Shinobi eyes, information that he's collected over the years. Some of it a bit older, and some of it more recent...

...And some details omitted, misleading, or maybe wrong, which he admits as it's submitted, as insurance to ensure that the village doesn't just take what he has without paying. Not that he distrusts the village, but you never know with Shinobi.
First and foremost, several citations and passages copied from family registrars confirming their descent from the Senju. This is an abridged lineage, just enough to support his claims, the whole thing will be submitted if the deal goes through.

Second: Rumors are surfacing that the serial killer Rikka the Beetle has been spotted actively in fire country on the past few months... She's apparently looking for "some perfect young thing" to be the model for her magnum opus. Given the rumors about what she does with her victims and the known abilities of the armored puppet she travels in, this is... concerning.

Third, on the topic of puppets, when he was in the land of Wind not so long ago visiting a relative known to locals as the mad cave witch with an army of lizards, he learned a bit about some of the more advanced mechanical weapons that Sand's puppet users have been working on. Details are brief, but there's a sketch of an automatic kunai launcher and a mechanism that would be concealed into a spearhead and inject toxic fluid into anything pierced by the tip of the spear. More sketches will be provided if this deal goes through.

Fourth, and what he feels is of particular concern based on the Sound Village's focus on the hope generation: A list of dates and times corresponding to the murders of genin and academy students, samurai, military academy students, young athletes, intellectually gifted children, and young Grand Masters of Shogi. Murders that involve strange sear marks around a cutthroat, as if the blade used to execute the children was hot enough to cook their flesh. There's nothing like this in the Bingo Books, other bounty books, crime reports, and dozens of children from all over the continent have been found dead in these circumstances. Official authorities don't seem to be aware of the connection, due to the time between bodies turning up and the fact that they happen across borders, but it's clear to Daichi that there's a serial killer targeting child prodigies...

Fifth... The many secret pathways and locations one must use to travel to Mount Myōboku on foot. Dachi strongly cautions that the Toads are highly loyal to the Leaf village and so trying to steal away the summoning contract would be doomed to failure, but Sound might find a use for it regardless... As an aside, the Toad Elder, Gamamaru, was allegedly contemporary of the sage of the Six Paths. Apparently, the Sage's eyes were naturally white, like a Hyuga, but their power was that of the Sharingan. And that he had a third eye in the middle of his forehead.

Six is a treatise on the medicinal benefits of Jofuku flowers, which are found in the forest of the same name, on the mountain of the same name, which is just inside the borders of the Land of Fire. A map showing exactly where will be provided.

Seven: After studying multiple ruins associated with the Otsutsuki Clan, as well as a few historical sights alleged to be tied to achievements and interviewing their contemporaries like the White Snake Sage and Gamamaru, Daichi can state with 100% conviction that Kaguya Otsutsuki was a real person and that the Shinju and Ten-Tails were likewise at least somewhat based on real occurrences. He can't vouch for the accuracy of the legends in regard to raw power, but Kaguya allegedly possessed the power of the Byakugan. Daichi himself notes that he doubts in the truth of Kaguya's divinity.

Eight: Daichi spent a not-inconsiderable time exploring the ruins in the Abandoned Lands to the west of the Land of Rice.

The history of the Abandoned Lands is somewhat obscure, due to the first Shinobi World War and the conflicts that led up to it, causing the loss of many records from that time, so Daichi begins with a summary of events as he's put it together.

The Abandoned Lands were once a nation ruled by the Ryu clan, the guardians of a group of creatures called the Genryu. Dragons, supposedly rivals in power to the Tailed Beasts, who each embodied one of the five elements, and who by their mere presence fertilized the lands around their mountain home creating great bounty.

Certain reptilian and avian creatures living in proximity to Mount Koryu, the home of the Genryu, over many generations, became creatures that the Ryu Clan dubbed Beast-Dragons. Some roamed wild, others were domesticated by the clan.

However, the Ryu Clan were feared and hated by others for the potential power they wielded and sometime after the Tailed-Beasts were distributed but before the First Shinobi World War, their lands were invaded by a coalition of military forces, though... Daichi hasn't been able to determine who was part of it. Some rumors suggest that a Tailed Beast was seen in the conflict, but no records on which one and nothing concrete.

The end result, the various Beast-Dragons were hunted to extinction and the Ryu Clan themselves were driven from their lands after being slaughtered almost to a man. Even after all this time records and rumors show that only a handful are known to be alive at any point in time.

However, mount Koryu, the alleged home of the Genryu, was never taken: People who approached the mountain found themselves becoming exhausted, the more chakra they had the worse it was, and any soldiers who did not use chakra never returned.

For fear of vengeance from the Genryu, or whatever other force resided in the mountain, no one ever claimed or settled in the abandoned lands. Yes, there have been expeditions and occasional commercial operations, but legally it's not a nation. It's just an empty space on the map.

Daichi spent some time exploring the ruins in the area, some of which were of the Otsutsuki clan but most of which were of the Ryu Clan.

He discovered 1: designs for armor that, with special binding techniques and written formulas etched on the interior, could shield someone from external effects that suppress chakra, 2: scrolls that can be used, in conjunction with the armor, grant the ability to use certain ninjutsu without prior training.

He also visited Mount Koryu, ad found from personal experiance that the chakra surpressing effect on the area is not a myth. He described the ambient energy of the area as being exceptionally potent, like a chakra that was a mixture of raw yang and natural energy with only traces of yin.