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Thread: Hilarious things you've found in RAW?

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Hilarious things you've found in RAW?

    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleBison View Post
    The stretch is when you claim that an object that vaguely resembles a human is humanoid. It's not inarguably incorrect, like if you tried to describe a cube as being spherical, but no one who wasn't trying to find a reason why this combo should work would say it's the best or most fitting way to interpret the rules.
    In the SRD, there are rather few Constructs. Golems have Magic Immunity, Inevitables and Homunculi are already intelligent, and Retrievers are insectile. The only possible SRD example targets for Awaken Construct are the Shield Guardian and the Psion-killer. Those are the benchmark for "humanoid", any stricter definition results in the spell having literally nothing to use it on in the Core+1 use-case things are expected to operate in.
    Last edited by Morphic tide; 2022-11-27 at 05:52 PM. Reason: corrected link