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    Titan in the Playground
    Thurbane's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Terra Australis

    Post Re: The LA Assignment Thread XII: the LA-bors of Heracles

    Interesting one here. Ugh, so many psionic monsters online. Still, not all that psionic-y in flavour.

    • Huge Aberration (extraplanar) with 10 ft reach (disappointing it isn't innately 15).
    • 5 RHD (d8 hp, medium BAB, good Will save, and 2 skill points/"level").
    • Fly 80 ft (good).
    • +6 natural AC.
    • 6 tentacle slams (1d8).
    • Constrict, improved grab: huge size and +6 Str should make you a respectable grappler.
    • Mind drain: ranged 1d4 Int drain, Will save to avoid.
    • Psionics: 3/day Daze Monster, Feather Fall, and Shatter. Not terrible, but not all that powerful.
    • Darkvision 60 ft.
    • SR 16: relevant at your starting level, but will fall away as you level.
    • Str +6, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +10, Wis +2, Cha +6: net +36, no penalties!
    • Smallish racial skill list, especially when you figure in that Int bonus. The list is a little underwhelming, but not totally useless.

    Non-humanoid body type. A generous DM might let you use body-slots similar to a Grell. No language or ability to speak mentioned.

    Huge size for 5 HD is already a pretty good deal. Flight as a high rate and good maneuverability is also pretty sweet. And those ability mods! Throw in 6 natural attacks, and innate grappling options. It's other special abilities are nice, but not amazing - although Mind Drain could be pretty effective at shutting down low Int/low will save enemies. [edit] Just realized this is a free, or maybe swift, action. That's pretty darn good. [/edit]

    Progression? Martial adept could be good for these guys. Or with that Int modifier and 6 attacks, maybe Skillmonkey sneak-attacker?

    I'm totally going to use these as a DM, or maybe in a VC in the future. Huge creatures for 5 HD/CR5 aren't all that common.

    I'll agree with +2.

    I picture them as looking vaguely like the Ocularon:

    Last edited by Thurbane; 2022-11-30 at 03:11 PM. Reason: typos/errors