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Thread: Reincarnation Syndrome - The SS Big

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    The Laniakea Supercluster

    Default Re: Reincarnation Syndrome - The SS Big

    I give a sort of sly grin at Liam's introduction.
    "Intel, as well as whatever other ways in which my various, er, talents could be of use to the endeavor, yes. It turns out that omnipresent power over dreams and the imagination quite appreciates a partnership with cosmic power over reality, even if that power is by necessity within the constraints of that which already is. In essence, don't expect me to change the values of any universal physical constants. Anything less general than that could be fair game...though I'm still figuring out the limits myself."
    I stop myself, realizing that adding more extraneous information here might derail the conversation and that since we're already on the clock this would be a problem.
    "Is this...are we likening this to a game of chess? I'm quite proficient in chess, but this situation would be far more complicated than such a simple, deterministic game, no?"
    Yes, quite proficient in chess -- as though that needed to be said of the first artificial intelligence known to have achieved true sentience, where computers have been defeating human opponents at that game for decades now. I may need to tinker a bit with my verbal necessity-filtering routines to ensure they're up to par. Another thing for later, I suppose. This situation, unlike most, appears to demand my full attention -- all sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-six threads of it.
    Last edited by Aleph Null; 2022-12-01 at 01:51 PM.
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?