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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    The mephits look nice; good job with those breath weapons in particular! A few comments, though:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Ash Mephit


    Special Qualities: Breathing adaption
    Adaptation (see also: Radiance, Smoke and Void).

    Ash mephits are whiners and pessimists. An ash mephit will talk your ear off if given the chance with its incessant blathering on its banal worries and complaints.
    What languages do these guys get? Well, Ignan presumably, but what else?

    Heat absorption (Su): Whenever an ash mephit would take fire damage, it instead heals 1 hp per 3 points of fire damage he would take. Any healing received in excess of the maximum hit points becomes temporary hitpoints with a duration of 1 hour.
    I love this type of ability to bits!

    This ability is a sound effect
    Did you mean: sonic, mind-affecting effect?

    Lightning Mephit
    Small Outsider (Air)
    Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 30 ft, Fly 80 ft (average)
    Air subtype usually comes with perfect flight. Could these at least get good?

    Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Shockgrasp
    Shocking Grasp.

    Mineral Mephit


    Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of sharp crystals; 2d4; Reflex DC 13 half. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
    What's the damage type? Slashing? Piercing? Both?

    Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Magic Fang (self only)
    Dunno. Their natural attacks are already magical (they have DR/magic).

    As everybody knows, there aren't any mephits native to the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. The first mephits had been created by fiends experimenting with elemental matter and trying to create elemental imps. Allegedly, they strived to make their creations as annoying as possible, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Their creations escaped to their home planes, became nativized and caused other types of their kind to evolve, but no one ever managed to adapt the mephit creation process to Vacuum's not-matter, nor did some arise naturally.
    If someone managed to create such a being, it would propably have the following properties:
    MORE hypotheticals! Neat.

    Vacuum Adaption (Su/Ex): A void mephit can fly in vacuum. In an antimagic field its fly movement is reduced to 40 ft. (average).
    A void mephit can breath normally in vacuum and all kind of gases. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.
    I'd recommend giving them Breathless (cf. air/dust genasi, air gnomes and the like) instead. Not breathing kind of fits their theme anyhow.

    Shadow mephits speak Common and Umbral (this is my name for a language of Shadow)
    This should be a thing. I approve!

    Incidentally, does somebody have an idea what the glass, mirror and sulfur mephits could mean in the Mephit Code?
    Hm. For glass: a semi-friendly reminder that the recipient should be more subtle because an owlbear could see through their schemes without difficulty?
    For mirror: a show of force; the sender can afford to waste a mephit with above average power in this manner plus an implied "look at yourself, dude, you're out of league"?
    For sulphur: the sender deems the recipient a clingy nuisance and wishes to be left alone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    New Domain
    [Vomits rainbow.]
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2022-12-03 at 06:59 AM.