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Thread: Me, Maw-self, and I OOC

  1. - Top - End - #62
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Me, Maw-self, and I OOC

    NPC Modifier (1d100)[50] Conservative
    NPC Noun (1d100)[24] Caretaker

    NPC Motivation Verb (1d100)[66] Persecute
    NPC Motivation Noun (1d100)[75] Atrocities?!

    Oh ok, so not only is this guy a conservative caretaker, his motivation is to persecute atrocities! He doesn't do it outwardly being conservative or at least not trying to make it public. But with that it's a sure thing that Noah knows. In fact, I think that Noah hired him to help give Max a drive, a purpose. A simple way that he can use his abilities (namely his strength) to help people, even if he's not good at interacting with people. It also is a way for Max to use his eating abilities helping with the scrap lumbar or other construction parts that are no good.

    Noah, also has seen the news reports of the turmoil that those, like Max have either caused, or have been targeted for, and it is something that he simply does not stand for.

    Yeah no roll needed there. He absolutely knows, and wants very much to help Max out.
    Last edited by Albinobrow; 2022-12-15 at 10:17 PM.